The people I've physically met after initially making contact through cyberspace were actually selected for. Anything I write on the web is not visible to other intelligent users of the web and I can't see what they've authored, either. It would be supremely ironic if I walked past these intelligent humans in the supermarket or local park on a daily basis without realizing it because I never bothered accosting them. But this would indeed require orchestration because I can go to the public library, do an internet search, and locate my own website on the internet. All intelligent beings would have to be placed under 24 hour surveillance, so that whenever they access the internet, they can view only the websites they authored themselves, but not those of other intelligent beings. The purpose of the internet is perhaps to give us the illusion of freedom so that we don't unite and revolt, or maybe just for the amusement of those in power.
Such a hybrid scenario seems absurd. Either the world is 100% free and real, or else it is 100% fiction and contrived. From a decision-based standpoint, we cover all possibilities by acting as if the world were 100% free and real. For example, the world could be an inexpensive simulation designed to fine-tune social engineering techniques and I am the experimental subject. Or, contrary to my belief, my peculiar psychology is not the result of historical coincidence, but rather the result of advanced DNA introduced by an extraterrestrial intelligence to infiltrate humans. Neither scenario requires me to change my strategy in life, so they are irrelevant.
An interesting point is whether I have anything to lose by randomnly accosting individuals on the street or in the mall and asking them if they reject society. I actually have experience launching such aggressive marketing campaigns on the internet. If you contact millions of people, you'll get a huge number or responses that amount to saying "I agree with everything you're saying". What we're really interested in is people who come up with the ideas on their own initiative, not people who nod and say yes. And yet on the street, there's no time to reflect in solitude and do more than nod and say yes. But rather than saying nothing, I sometimes wear provocative T-shirts in public to encourage others to question me about it and thus steer communication towards ideas that challenge the contemporary ideology.